‘Most brutal murder in LA history’

Throughout the week-long trial, it was reported that prosecutor District Attorney Tannaz Mokayef and her co-counsel had hammered at the idea that Leibel had orchestrated the murder to mirror certain elements from the plot of book - about a scientist who experiments on a psychopathic killer to find a cure for evil. The case made headlines in Canada, where his father, Lorne Leibel, a sailor on the country's 1976 Olympics team, built a fortune constructing homes in the Toronto area. Leibel moved to California and lived off an allowance of about $US18,000 ($AU24,500) a month over a seven-year period until inheriting the majority of his mother's estate. Visit more : https://www.tweeddailynews.com.au/news/canadian-graphic-novel-author-guilty-of-model-girl/3448532/